If you'd like to participate more fully, please check as many of the following areas in which you have an interest, background or expertise. This in no way obligates you, but should we need help, we may give you a call. Please print this, add your check mark(s) and email to: wmjgs2 @ gmail.com. Name: Phone Number: Email Address: Below are examples of volunteer opportunities and you may think of others. If so, please don’t hesitate to inform us. Use the comment/suggestion box below. |
Make props that might be needed for meetings, conferences, displays, etc. | |||||||||||||
Help design and/or make posters for general meetings, conferences, or ads in other society bulletins | |||||||||||||
Help design displays for libraries, historical societies, etc. | |||||||||||||
Help staff a table at a local conference | |||||||||||||
Help put out materials at meetings | |||||||||||||
Become a "buddy" to someone new to our society | |||||||||||||
Make telephone calls to members | |||||||||||||
Stuff envelopes when needed | |||||||||||||
Summarize a speaker's talk | |||||||||||||
Write an article of interest to you | |||||||||||||
Write a book review/suggest a book | |||||||||||||
Take photos at our general meetings or at special events for our archives | |||||||||||||
Take photos at cemeteries for our cemetery project | |||||||||||||
Print out notices for a meeting and post them locally at places you think people will read them | |||||||||||||
Help teach at our beginner's workshop | |||||||||||||
Speak at local conferences on behalf of WMJGS | |||||||||||||
Share a "brick wall" or success story at a meeting | |||||||||||||
Write press releases and articles about upcoming programs for community newspapers | |||||||||||||
Place articles in the news media, traditional and online | |||||||||||||
Send e-mail to your local cable station announcing our upcoming meeting | |||||||||||||
Help members with computer research | |||||||||||||
Enter data from our cemetery project into an Excel spreadsheet | |||||||||||||
Read Hebrew tombstone data for our cemetery project | |||||||||||||
Help translate small documents at meetings (Please indicate the languages that you could translate.)
Your line of work (past or present) |
Please list any other comments/suggestions below: |